In one of my previous posts we installed PowerShell 7 on Windows 10.

In my lab I installed PowerShell 7 on my Exchange 2016 Server. While there is no support for Exchange yet, Active Directory cmdlets work.

To install the preview you can run the command below from an elevated PowerShell Window:

  • iex “& { $(irm } -UseMSI -Preview”
Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)

Compared to Windows 10, the installation window appeared almost immediately after pressing enter and the setup then came up, no captions below the few screenshots as its self explanatory.

Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)
Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)
Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)
Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)
Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)
Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)

If you try and add a snapin using the Add-Snapin cmdlet, it fails with the error below:

Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)

However Active Directory cmdlets are available and you can see them on both versions below:

Powershell:- list missing windows updates in windows 10(20h2)

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