For those new to Teams or those admins that prefer PowerShell like myself, you can now install the PowerShell module for Teams and see the list of commands available.
Firstly launch PowerShell elevated and once done, you can run the following command:
- Install-Module MicrosoftTeams
You will be prompted for repositories, type in “y” and press enter after each prompt.
Once complete and you are back at the prompt, you can now connect to your tenant with a simple command:
- Connect-MicrosoftTeams
The Microsoft Sign in page will open, enter your details and click next for the password and once signed in, you will be back at the prompt.
You can now enter the command below to see what is available to run:
- Get-Command -Module MicrosoftTeams
Now you have the ability to run commands and manage teams from PowerShell.
Hope it helps.