Introduction to Mailbox Quotas in Exchange

Mailbox quotas are essential components of Microsoft Exchange, serving as crucial controls that manage the storage capabilities allocated to individual mailboxes within an organization. In environments like Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019, mailbox quotas are implemented to ensure efficient use of storage resources, which is vital for maintaining overall system performance and integrity. By imposing limits on the amount of data each mailbox can store, organizations can effectively manage disk space, reduce the risk of system slowdowns, and prevent users from exceeding their designated storage capacities.

The significance of mailbox quotas extends beyond simple space management. They also facilitate compliance with organizational policies regarding data retention and security. By implementing these quotas, administrators can avoid excessive data accumulation that could compromise system performance and operational efficiency. This functionality is particularly valuable in larger organizations where numerous users may be interacting with the Exchange server simultaneously. Thus, the phasing in of mailbox quotas ensures that all users can access their emails and related data without contention for limited resources.

PowerShell emerges as a powerful management tool within this context, providing administrators with the capabilities needed to configure and monitor mailbox quotas effectively. Utilizing PowerShell commands, one can easily set up quotas for a specific mailbox or a group of mailboxes, allowing for customized control adapted to the unique needs of the organization. For instance, commands can be issued to set limit values, check current quotas, and monitor usage statistics across various mailboxes. Employing PowerShell in this way not only streamlines the management of storage resources but also reinforces the administrative efficiency in Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019 environments.

Understanding the ‘usedatabasequotadefaults’ Parameter

The ‘usedatabasequotadefaults’ parameter is a critical aspect of managing mailbox quotas within Microsoft Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019 frameworks through PowerShell. This parameter is designed to determine whether the database’s default quota settings should be applied to individual mailboxes. When managing mailbox quotas, it is essential to configure this value properly to ensure the desired quota settings take effect for each mailbox.

For effective quota management scripts, the ‘usedatabasequotadefaults’ parameter should typically be set to $false. By setting this parameter to $false, administrators can override the default settings stipulated by the database and apply custom quota configurations as needed. This flexibility allows for tailored mailbox management, catering to the requirements of different users or groups within the organization.

Setting Mailbox Quotas with PowerShell

I put together a PowerShell script that works in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell ISE that prompts you to enter a mailbox that is full that you want to adjust but can also be used if you want to increase the size of a mailbox even though it has not reached it’s quota.

It gives you an output of what the current settings are and asks you to set the size limits. Just enter a number, for example, 10 will be 10GB.

Once you have entered the values, it will confirm what was set and you can cross check the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) to make sure it is set. Do take note of Active Directory replication, it may be quick or slow, depending on how large your organization is.

Here is the script:

# Load the Exchange snap-in
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn

# Function to write colored output
function Write-Color {
    param (
    $currentColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
    $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $Color
    Write-Host $Text
    $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $currentColor

# Function to convert ByteQuantifiedSize to GB
function ConvertTo-GB {
    param (
    return [math]::Round($Size.ToBytes() / 1GB, 2)

# Prompt for the email address
$emailAddress = Read-Host "Enter the email address of the mailbox that is full"

# Get the current mailbox size and quota settings
$mailbox = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $emailAddress
$currentSize = ConvertTo-GB -Size $mailbox.TotalItemSize.Value
$mailboxSettings = Get-Mailbox -Identity $emailAddress | Select-Object IssueWarningQuota, ProhibitSendQuota, ProhibitSendReceiveQuota

Write-Host "The current size of the mailbox is $currentSize GB"
Write-Color "Current 'Issue a warning' quota: $(ConvertTo-GB -Size $mailboxSettings.IssueWarningQuota) GB" -Color Yellow
Write-Color "Current 'Prohibit send at' quota: $(ConvertTo-GB -Size $mailboxSettings.ProhibitSendQuota) GB" -Color Yellow
Write-Color "Current 'Prohibit send and receive at' quota: $(ConvertTo-GB -Size $mailboxSettings.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota) GB" -Color Yellow

# Prompt for the new size limits
$issueWarningSize = Read-Host "Enter the new size limit for 'Issue a warning' (in GB)"
$prohibitSendSize = Read-Host "Enter the new size limit for 'Prohibit send at' (in GB)"
$prohibitSendReceiveSize = Read-Host "Enter the new size limit for 'Prohibit send and receive at' (in GB)"

# Set UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults to false and apply the new size limits
Set-Mailbox -Identity $emailAddress -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -IssueWarningQuota "$issueWarningSize GB" -ProhibitSendQuota "$prohibitSendSize GB" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota "$prohibitSendReceiveSize GB"

Write-Color "The size limits for the mailbox have been updated:" -Color Green
Write-Color "Issue a warning at: $issueWarningSize GB" -Color Green
Write-Color "Prohibit send at: $prohibitSendSize GB" -Color Green
Write-Color "Prohibit send and receive at: $prohibitSendReceiveSize GB" -Color Green

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