PowerView is a module in the PowerSploit framework that was created by Will Schroeder. This module was designed specifically for penetration testers and red teamers to assist in gathering information about an Active Directory environment. It provides a wide range of functionality, including the ability to enumerate users, groups, computers, and other objects in the domain.

One of the key features of PowerView is its ability to perform “domain situational awareness”. This means that it can gather information about the domain, such as the domain controller, domain name, domain SID, and other relevant details. This information can be extremely valuable for administrators who need to understand the structure and configuration of their Active Directory environment.

PowerView also allows administrators to query and search for specific objects within the domain. For example, it can be used to find all user accounts with a specific attribute value, such as “password never expires”. This can be useful for identifying potential security risks or compliance issues within the domain.

Another powerful feature of PowerView is its ability to perform “domain trust enumeration”. This means that it can gather information about the trust relationships between different domains in a forest. This can be useful for understanding the overall security posture of the Active Directory environment and identifying any potential vulnerabilities or misconfigurations.

Overall, PowerView is a valuable tool for administrators who need to gather information about their Active Directory environment. By leveraging PowerShell, it provides a convenient and powerful way to access and manipulate this information. In the following sections, we will explore some practical examples of how to use PowerView with PowerShell to retrieve domain information.

PowerView is a PowerShell tool developed by Will Schroeder that is part of the PowerSploit project. It is designed to provide a set of functions and cmdlets for interacting with Active Directory environments. PowerView allows administrators to perform various tasks such as reconnaissance, privilege escalation, and lateral movement within a domain.


One of the key features of PowerView is its ability to gather information about an Active Directory environment. It can be used to enumerate domain controllers, find domain trusts, and discover user accounts and group memberships. This information can be invaluable for understanding the structure and security of a domain.

PowerView also includes functions for gathering information about the local system. It can retrieve details about the current user, the local administrator account, and the system’s network interfaces. This information can be useful for identifying potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities.

Privilege Escalation

PowerView provides several functions for escalating privileges within an Active Directory environment. It can identify users with administrative privileges, find machines with misconfigured permissions, and search for vulnerable services. These capabilities can help an administrator identify and exploit weaknesses in the domain’s security posture.

Additionally, PowerView includes functions for exploiting Kerberos vulnerabilities. It can retrieve Kerberos tickets, identify weak encryption types, and perform Kerberoasting attacks. By leveraging these vulnerabilities, an attacker can escalate their privileges and gain unauthorized access to sensitive resources.

Lateral Movement

PowerView enables administrators to move laterally within a domain by leveraging various Active Directory features. It includes functions for finding computers with vulnerable services, identifying users with weak passwords, and enumerating local administrators on remote machines. These capabilities allow an attacker to pivot through the network and gain access to additional systems.

Furthermore, PowerView can be used to execute PowerShell commands on remote systems using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocols. This allows an attacker to remotely control compromised machines and execute commands with the privileges of the compromised user.

In conclusion, PowerView is a powerful tool for interacting with Active Directory environments. Its reconnaissance, privilege escalation, and lateral movement capabilities make it a valuable asset for both administrators and attackers. However, it is important to use this tool responsibly and ethically, as its misuse can have serious consequences for the security of an organization.

Using PowerView to Retrieve Domain Information

PowerView, a PowerShell tool developed by Will Schroeder, provides us with several cmdlets that we can use to retrieve valuable domain information. These cmdlets are specifically designed to assist in the enumeration and analysis of Active Directory environments. In this section, we will explore some of the most commonly used PowerView cmdlets and their functionalities.


The Get-Domain cmdlet is a powerful tool that allows us to gather comprehensive information about the domain we are currently operating in. This cmdlet retrieves details such as the domain name, domain SID, domain controllers, and the current user’s domain privileges. It provides a broad overview of the domain’s structure and can be used as a starting point for further enumeration.


Similar to Get-Domain, the Get-NetDomain cmdlet fetches domain information, but with additional focus on network-specific details. It retrieves information about the domain’s trusts, domain controllers, and the domain’s security identifier (SID). This cmdlet is particularly useful when conducting network reconnaissance and assessing the interconnectivity between different domains.


The Get-DomainController cmdlet provides us with a list of all domain controllers within the current domain. It retrieves information such as the domain controller’s name, site, operating system version, and the last time it was queried. This information can be invaluable during penetration testing or when troubleshooting domain controller-related issues.


When operating in a forest environment, the Get-NetForestDomain cmdlet allows us to retrieve information about all domains within the forest. It provides details such as the domain name, domain SID, and the forest’s root domain. This cmdlet is particularly useful when conducting assessments that involve multiple domains within a forest.


The Get-DomainTrust cmdlet enables us to gather information about the trust relationships established between the current domain and other domains. It retrieves details such as the trusted domain’s name, domain SID, and the trust type. This cmdlet can be extremely helpful when assessing the security posture of a domain and identifying potential attack vectors.

These are just a few examples of the powerful cmdlets provided by PowerView. By leveraging these tools, security professionals and penetration testers can gain valuable insights into a domain’s structure, trust relationships, and potential vulnerabilities. It is important to note that while these tools can be incredibly useful, they should always be used responsibly and in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines.


The Get-NetDomain cmdlet allows us to retrieve information about the domain we are currently connected to. This includes the domain name, domain SID, and other relevant details. To use this cmdlet, open a PowerShell session and import the PowerView module by running the following command:

Import-Module PowerView

Once the module is imported, we can use the Get-NetDomain cmdlet to retrieve domain information:


This will return a list of properties for the domain, including the domain name, domain SID, and the current user’s domain.

When using the Get-NetDomain cmdlet, it is important to have the necessary permissions to access domain information. The cmdlet retrieves the information from the current user’s domain, so if you are not connected to a domain or do not have the appropriate permissions, the cmdlet may not return any results.

In addition to the domain name and SID, the Get-NetDomain cmdlet also provides other useful information such as the domain controller, domain functional level, and the domain’s trust relationships. This information can be helpful for administrators who need to manage and troubleshoot domain-related issues.

Furthermore, the Get-NetDomain cmdlet can be used in conjunction with other PowerView cmdlets to perform various domain-related tasks. For example, you can use the Get-NetDomain cmdlet to retrieve the domain name and then use the Get-NetGroup cmdlet to retrieve a list of groups within that domain.

Overall, the Get-NetDomain cmdlet is a powerful tool for retrieving domain information in a PowerShell environment. It provides administrators with a convenient way to access important domain details and perform various domain-related tasks. Whether you need to troubleshoot domain issues or simply gather information about your current domain, the Get-NetDomain cmdlet is a valuable resource.


The Get-NetDomainController cmdlet allows us to retrieve detailed information about the domain controllers in the current domain. This information is crucial for managing and troubleshooting Active Directory environments. By using the Get-NetDomainController cmdlet, administrators can gather data such as the domain controller name, site name, operating system version, and other important properties.

When working with the Get-NetDomainController cmdlet, it is necessary to first import the PowerView module. The PowerView module is a powerful tool that extends the capabilities of PowerShell for Active Directory administration. Once the module is imported, the Get-NetDomainController cmdlet can be used to retrieve the desired information.

To retrieve information about the domain controllers in the current domain, simply run the following command:


Executing this command will return a comprehensive list of properties for each domain controller. These properties include the domain controller name, site name, operating system version, and other relevant details. This information can be invaluable for various administrative tasks, such as monitoring the health and performance of domain controllers, identifying replication issues, or planning for upgrades or migrations.

The Get-NetDomainController cmdlet provides administrators with a convenient and efficient way to gather essential information about the domain controllers in their environment. By leveraging the power of PowerShell and the PowerView module, administrators can streamline their Active Directory management tasks and ensure the smooth operation of their domain infrastructure.


The Get-NetForest cmdlet allows us to retrieve information about the forest the current domain belongs to. This includes details such as the forest name, forest SID, and the domain controllers in the forest. To use this cmdlet, import the PowerView module and run the following command:


This will return a list of properties for the forest, including the forest name, forest SID, and the domain controllers in the forest.

When running the Get-NetForest cmdlet, you can expect to see information about the forest that your current domain is a part of. This can be particularly useful when managing a large network infrastructure with multiple domains and forests.

The forest name property returned by the cmdlet provides the name of the forest that your domain is associated with. This can help you identify the specific forest that your domain belongs to, especially if you are working with multiple forests in your organization.

Another important property returned by the Get-NetForest cmdlet is the forest SID. The forest SID is a unique identifier for the forest and can be used to differentiate between different forests in your environment. This can be particularly useful when troubleshooting issues or when performing administrative tasks that require specific forest identification.

In addition to the forest name and SID, the Get-NetForest cmdlet also provides information about the domain controllers in the forest. This includes details such as the domain controller name, IP address, and operating system version. This information can be valuable when managing and monitoring the health of your domain controllers, as well as when troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Overall, the Get-NetForest cmdlet is a powerful tool that allows you to gather important information about the forest your current domain belongs to. By understanding the properties returned by this cmdlet, you can effectively manage and administer your network infrastructure, ensuring the smooth operation of your organization’s Active Directory environment.


The Get-NetUser cmdlet allows us to retrieve information about user accounts in the current domain. This includes details such as the user’s username, full name, and security groups they are a member of. To use this cmdlet, import the PowerView module and run the following command:


This will return a list of properties for each user account, including the username, full name, and security groups they are a member of. The Get-NetUser cmdlet is a powerful tool that can be used for various purposes, such as auditing user accounts, managing security groups, or generating reports. By running this command, administrators can quickly gather information about the users in their domain, allowing them to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.

When using the Get-NetUser cmdlet, it is important to note that the results may vary depending on the user’s permissions and the domain’s configuration. Administrators with higher privileges will be able to retrieve more detailed information about user accounts, while users with limited permissions may only see basic details such as the username and full name. Additionally, the cmdlet can be further customized by using various parameters to filter the results based on specific criteria, such as a particular security group or user attribute.

Furthermore, the Get-NetUser cmdlet can be combined with other PowerView cmdlets to perform more advanced operations. For example, administrators can use the Get-NetUser cmdlet to retrieve a list of user accounts and then pipe the results to the Set-NetUser cmdlet to modify certain attributes or properties of those accounts. This allows for efficient and streamlined management of user accounts within the domain.

In conclusion, the Get-NetUser cmdlet is a valuable tool for administrators to retrieve information about user accounts in the current domain. By using this cmdlet, administrators can gather important details about users, such as their username, full name, and security group membership. This information can be used for various purposes, including auditing, security management, and reporting. The flexibility and customization options provided by the cmdlet make it a powerful tool for managing user accounts within a domain.

Remember to use this tool for ethical purposes only. Hope you find it helpful.

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