With Malware getting smarter each time and out running the Anti-Virus and embedding itself in the Operating System that it thinks its Legit, there is a way to remove it when it writes an encrypted entry or multiple entries to the WMI database. To remove it you will need to run the following set of commands to clear it all out:

([WmiClass]'root\default:Win32_TaskService') | Remove-WMIObject -Verbose
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __EventFilter -filter "Name= 'SCM Event Filter'" |remOVe-WMIObject -Verbose
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __EventFilter -filter "Name= 'DSM Event Logs Filter'" |remOVe-WMIObject -Verbose
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Filter "Name='SCM Event Consumer'" | Remove-WMIObject -Verbose
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Filter "__Path LIKE '%SCM Event Consumer%'" | REmOVE-WMIObject -Verbose
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Filter "__Path LIKE '%DSM Event Logs Consumer%'" | REmOVE-WMIObject -Verbose
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class ActiveScriptEventConsumer -Filter "Name='DSM Event Logs Consumer'" | Remove-WMIObject -Verbose
Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\Subscription -Class ActiveScriptEventConsumer -Filter "Name='SCM Event Consumer'" | Remove-WMIObject -Verbose
gwmi -Namespace "root/subscription" -class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Filter "Filter = ""__EventFilter.Name='SCM Event Filter'""" | Remove-WMIObject
gwmi -Namespace "root/subscription" -Class __EventFilter | WHERE Name -eq "SCM Event Filter" | Remove-WmiObject -Verbose
gwmi -Namespace "root/subscription" -Class __EventConsumer | where name -EQ "SCM Event Consumer" | Remove-WmiObject -Verbose
gwmi -Namespace "root/subscription" -class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Filter "Filter = ""__EventFilter.Name='SCM Events Logs Filter'""" | Remove-WMIObject -Verbose
gwmi -Namespace "root/subscription" -Class __EventFilter | WHERE Name -eq "SCM Events Logs Filter" | Remove-WmiObject -Verbose
gwmi -Namespace "root/subscription" -Class __EventConsumer | where name -EQ "SCM Events Logs Consumer" | Remove-WmiObject -Verbose

As the verbose option is used, you can see if it has removed anything.

Reboot the server and you should notice that the PowerShell task under Task Manager is gone and the CPU usage has died down considerably.

Hope it helps.

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