In Exchange 2019, like previous versions, you can check your edition of Exchange by running the following command:

  • Get-ExchangeServer | fl
Exchange 2019 - assign services to an ssl certificate

or by adding another section to the script:

  • Get-ExchangeServer | fl *Edition*
Exchange 2019 - assign services to an ssl certificate

You can see the one command gives you less information than the other, to change the edition, you can license the server with a valid key using the following PowerShell command:

  • Set-ExchangeServer -Identity <ServerName> -ProductKey XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
Exchange 2019 - assign services to an ssl certificate

The server has now been licensed, however you need to restart the Information Store or reboot.

We can now run the same command as in step 2 and we can now see the status has changed from an evaluation version to Enterprise:

Exchange 2019 - assign services to an ssl certificate

Hope it helps…

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