In this article we are doing to perform two demonstrations for creating draft emails in Outlook from PowerShell.

Option 1: Create an email draft however you need to open Outlook to see it.
Option 2: Create an email draft but have the email open for you instead of opening Outlook.

Here is the first set of commands (Option 1):

$Outlook = New-Object -comObject Outlook.Application
$TlabEmail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$TlabEmail.To = “[email protected]
$TlabEmail.Subject = “Draft email from PowerShell”
$TlabEmail.Body = “PowerShell makes your life easy”

Powershell:- create an email using powershell

Here is the second set of commands (Option 2) with 2x extra lines at the end:

$Outlook = New-Object -comObject Outlook.Application
$TlabEmail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$TlabEmail.To = “[email protected]
$TlabEmail.Subject = “Draft email from PowerShell”
$TlabEmail.Body = “PowerShell makes your life easy”
$inspector = $TlabEmail.GetInspector

Powershell:- create an email using powershell

The last two lines for the inspector is what opens up the Outlook shown below:

Powershell:- create an email using powershell

The lines of code that has the To, Subject and Body info in is what you see above.

Hope it helps.

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