Exporting mailboxes is great but what if you only wanted information for a certain period as you need it for whatever reason, legal, manager, etc.
Well using the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) you can run the following command to export the data:
- $Users = Get-Content “C:\Users\User1\Desktop\doc.csv”
- foreach ($User in ($Users)) {New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $User -ContentFilter {(Received -gt ’01/31/2018′) -and (Received -lt ’07/02/2018′) -AND (Sent -gt ’01/31/2018′) -AND (Sent -lt ’07/02/2018′)} -Filepath “\\Server01\PSTExport\USer1\$($user).pst” }
The above command is first getting its content from a CSV file saved to a location of choice.
The second part of the command loops through each User in the CSV for the given date and then exports it to a .PST file at the location you specified.
Hope it helps.
Should you not have brackets around the two received and the two sent comparisons, and include messages either sent OR received between those dates?
-ContentFilter {((Received -gt ’01/31/2018′) -and (Received -lt ’07/02/2018′)) -OR ((Sent -gt ’01/31/2018′) -and (Sent -lt ’07/02/2018′))}