I thought about writing this blog post as it is something I use often and perhaps it will help you out. The script used is not my own but a fellow MVP so all credit goes to him.

As an Exchange Admin, we are constantly busy with Exchange server tasks such as recoveries, rebuilds or new builds and if your Exchange Servers have a large number of Receive Connectors, the last thing you want to do is sit and manually create each one with permissions etc. This can lead to mistakes by missing a checkbox or permission.

There is a PowerShell script that can be used to do all the heavy lifting for you. Thomas Stensitzki created this script and I have used it a lot and it has saved me time. I do not own this script but if you want to use it in your own environment, head over to Github to download it:


I have used it in Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019 environments without issue. Here is the command line that you can use but look at the examples on GitHub if you want to use other scenarios:

.\Copy-ReceiveConnector.ps1 -SourceServer Server1 -ConnectorName ReceiveConnector1 -CopyToAllOther -DomainController MyLabDC.domain.com

The process does not take long, the only thing you need to wait for is Active Directory Replication.

Hope it helps

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