I have a strange problem in my lab where my main account is part of the org admin group however I cannot run half the commands, I thought I would reset everything with the commands below but have not seen any change. Still cannot do much.

However in my Exchange 2016 lab, it worked just fine.

Firstly launch the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) and run the command:

  • Add-PSSnapin Microsoft*
Exchange 2019:- how do i open the exchange management shell on windows server 2019 core?

Then run the command:

  • Install-CannedRbacRoles
Exchange 2019:- how do i open the exchange management shell on windows server 2019 core?
And then run the following command:

  • Install-CannedRbacRoleAssignments
Exchange 2019:- how do i open the exchange management shell on windows server 2019 core?

After this, you can either reboot or close and open the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to check.

Hope it helps.

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