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Exchange 2019:- Add an Accepted Domain with PowerShell

Exchange 2019:- Add an Accepted Domain with PowerShell

I put together a simple script that will add an Accepted Domain in Exchange 2019 from the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) instead of using the GUI. The script does require manual input of the following fields: DomainName - This is the domain you want to add to...

Active Directory:- Get members of a group with PowerShell

PowerShell:- Keeping my session alive with keyboard strokes

When running installations, some systems are set to lock after a certain period of inactivity even though the installation is running in the background. Recently I was testing CIS Group Policy policies and my labs kept locking and it becomes frustrating to keep having...

Active Directory:- Get members of a group with PowerShell

PowerShell:- Get properties of a user account/s in Active Directory.

In a previous article we looked at group membership for accounts in Active Directory that you can pull using PowerShell. In this short article we will look at extracting certain information for a user account or for all users in Active Directory. For all users, you...