PowerShell V7

PowerShell:- Keeping my session alive with keyboard strokes

PowerShell:- Keeping my session alive with keyboard strokes

When running installations, some systems are set to lock after a certain period of inactivity even though the installation is running in the background. Recently I was testing CIS Group Policy policies and my labs kept locking and it becomes frustrating to keep having...

PowerShell V7:- Upgrade from V7.0.3 to V7.1.0 from the command line.

PowerShell V7 on Windows 10.

I was playing around with PowerShell 6 and 7 RC which a colleague showed me was available. Firstly to get the new version, you need to run the following command below: (Note it includes the -Preview switch) iex "& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) }...