
Active Directory:- Get members of a group with PowerShell

PowerShell:- Keeping my session alive with keyboard strokes

When running installations, some systems are set to lock after a certain period of inactivity even though the installation is running in the background. Recently I was testing CIS Group Policy policies and my labs kept locking and it becomes frustrating to keep having...

Active Directory:- Get members of a group with PowerShell

PowerShell:- Create an PowerShell script to output results to the Event Log

I had a request to check connectivity to a SQL server and to email the results, however I thought of doing something different. Have the application check the connectivity but create an Event ID and Event Log entry on Success and Failure and you can monitor that with...

Active Directory:- Get members of a group with PowerShell

PowerShell:- Increase the value of MaxMemoryPerShellMB.

In PowerShell you have a few options to increase the values of certain settings, in this example we will be looking at MaxMemoryPerShellMB setting that needs to be increased. The default value of 150mb might be fine in a small environment but in a larger environment...