
Active Directory:- Get members of a group with PowerShell
Graphical User interfaces (GUI) are nice but I also prefer working in PowerShell as you can just get so much more info than the GUI. Recently I was working with groups and it was a bit of a pain to keep having to open the window in Active Directory Users and Computers...

PowerShell:- Keeping my session alive with keyboard strokes
When running installations, some systems are set to lock after a certain period of inactivity even though the installation is running in the background. Recently I was testing CIS Group Policy policies and my labs kept locking and it becomes frustrating to keep having...

Exchange 2016/2019:- Document your environment with PowerShell
I have been working on a script to document a Microsoft Exchange environment using PowerShell and while it does the job of providing the information required, some manual input is needed and the output formatting is still work in progress. Landscape view displays the...

PowerShell:- Find a keyword in an Event Log
As an Admin, looking at Event Viewer becomes a normal thing, especially when you have issues or simply looking for intrusion like in my case where events are written to the different logs. To manually go through hundreds of thousands of logs is time consuming so I...

PowerShell:- Finding your Public IP on Server Core
PowerShell has the ability to perform so many functions, from WMI queries to fetching information etc. On Windows Server Core, whether it is Windows Server 2022, 2019 2016, because many of the GUI features are not available, you cannot just open a browser to do...

Exchange online:- Find all mailboxes that have ActiveSync enabled.
As many of you have seen that starting 1 October 2022, Microsoft will start disabling Basic Auth on Tenants. This means disruption for many users that make use of EAS and are using the native mail applications on Android and iOS. I put together a script that will help...

PowerShell:- Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin gives error
In Active Directory, you have the ability to enable the Recycle bin option, not only from the Active Directory Admin Center but also from PowerShell. Let's say that you have just setup a new domain or you have an existing one and when you use PowerShell to enable the...

PowerShell:- Create an PowerShell script to output results to the Event Log
I had a request to check connectivity to a SQL server and to email the results, however I thought of doing something different. Have the application check the connectivity but create an Event ID and Event Log entry on Success and Failure and you can monitor that with...

PowerShell:- Increase the value of MaxMemoryPerShellMB.
In PowerShell you have a few options to increase the values of certain settings, in this example we will be looking at MaxMemoryPerShellMB setting that needs to be increased. The default value of 150mb might be fine in a small environment but in a larger environment...

PowerShell V7:- Upgrade from V7.0.3 to V7.1.0 from the command line.
If you are running PowerShell V7 like I am, when you launch it you will see a white box similar to the one below: In this article, we will be upgrading using the command line and below is the command: iex "& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) }...