Exchange 2013 PowerShell
Exchange 2010/2013/2016: – Clear export requests
In Exchange you will do loads of Export requests to PST but over time this list grows and when you eventually want to find an export request or remove a server you can't because it still has the export requests. To find the export requests, you can run a single...
Exchange 2010:- Limit the number of outbound connections from a HUB server with PowerShell
In Exchange, you can throttle the number of connections that a HUB Transport Server can have open to a remote domain, the default value for the field "MaxPerDomainOutboundConnections" is 20. To change the value, you can run a simple command from the Exchange...
Exchange 2010 and above:- Bulk update move requests with PowerShell
With mailbox moves, you do get the few that fail and instead of updating each one with the -BadItemLimit switch you can do this one liner command to update them all before resuming them, here is the command: Get-MoveRequest | Set-MoveRequest -BadItemLimit 500...