
Search for specific Security Event ID’s in PowerShell
In a previous blog post, we searched for a specific keyword in PowerShell and displayed it in PowerShell directly. In this blog post, we will be looking for a specific Event ID that is triggered when an account cannot be logged onto and sometimes you can see the...

Pull all Scheduled tasks in Windows and display them in a Grid
Many items that run in Windows have scheduled tasks that run at certain intervals. Malware and bad actors like abusing scheduled tasks because they contain elevated privileged accounts which run as SYSTEM. Have you ever wondered...

Quickly update the default startup location when opening PowerShell in Server 2022
If you work in PowerShell as much as I do and you have a dedicated folder where you run scripts, having to keep navigating to the folder can become a pain. By default, PowerShell will open up in the user that is logged in directory, below we can see that I am logged...

Validate Windows Activation Status using PowerShell and display the results in a GridView.
If you work with a large number of servers and you do not use a system to manage the activation of all machines built, manually logging in and checking the status is just time consuming. I put together a script that will go and get the status of all machines specified...

PowerShell:- Download a setup file from the internet and save it locally
In my blog post on collaborationpro.com where I showed you how to get a reverse shell on Windows Server 2022 and then demonstrated how ESET removed the file, well, because it was on Windows Server 2022 Core, there is not browser option so I had to put together a quick...

Simplify your Exchange 2019 task:- Quickly copy your SSL certificates or executables to multiple servers using a script
As an Exchange Administrator, working with many Exchange Servers is not uncommon but when you have to deal with copying the latest Security Update (SU), Cumulative Update (CU) or updated SSL Certificates, it can be a tedious task to do it all manually. Luckily we have...

Exchange 2019:- Installing a new SSL Certificate using PowerShell
In my previous blog post, we looked at creating a self signed certificate using PowerShell (3x Liner). The certificate obviously is not what a professional cert is, one thing missing is the "Friendly Name" which can be changed in the MMC and certificates snapin. I...

Testing in Exchange 2019: Successfully Generated a Self-Signed PFX Certificate for Enhanced Security Testing
Testing in Exchange 2019: Successfully Generated a Self-Signed PFX Certificate for Enhanced Security Testing In some of my testing, I wanted to have SSL certificates that I could use and trash as I needed to without having to pay for anything because SSL certificates...

Exchange 2019:- Display information about your Send Connector in PowerShell
As an Exchange Admin, we work with various connectors such as Receive and Send connectors and once you set them up, especially in the Exchange Admin Center (EAC), not all information is visible and you need to use PowerShell to get other information. To open up the...

Exchange 2019:- Viewing all mailboxes that have SendOnBehalfRights in PowerShell
In my lab, I was wanting to see which mailboxes had Send On Behalf Permissions assigned and instead of going through each mailbox and looking at the delegation tab in the Exchange Admin Center (EAC), I put together a script to get this information for me. The script...