Exchange 2019 PowerShell

Exchange online:- Find all mailboxes that have ActiveSync enabled.
As many of you have seen that starting 1 October 2022, Microsoft will start disabling Basic Auth on Tenants. This means disruption for many users that make use of EAS and are using the native mail applications on Android and iOS. I put together a script that will help...

Exchange 2019:- Find which ActiveSync Policy is assigned to all mailboxes
For many organizations, ActiveSync plays a big part in terms of communication where end users either have email on company owned devices or personal devices. Policies can be applied to certain users, for example, Executives or Senior Management may have a different...

Exchange 2019:- Enable message copy on Shared Mailbox.
Shared mailboxes in Office 365 and Exchange 2016 or Exchange 2019 are rather common. You may have end users that can "Send on behalf" or "Send As" the mailbox. A common query that comes up often when a user sends an email is that the Sent Items folder is blank and IT...

Exchange 2019:- PowerShell commands not showing entire output list.
In my previous article, we looked at configuring our TLSReceiveDomainSecureList and if you have one or two domains listed, you can view them easily, however if you have multiple items, the first few are shown and then you have .... at the end. What am I talking about?...

Exchange 2019:- SMTP responding with wrong certificate.
In Exchange 2016 or 2019, you have the ability to accept TLS connections on a receive connector from a particular set of IP Addresses or single IP and have it use an SSL certificate. What I have seen happen is that receive connectors are not configured correctly in a...

Exchange 2019:- Set TLS Certificate name on your receive connector.
In Exchange 2019, same with Exchange 2016, you have your standard receive connectors that comes with Exchange once installed. To recap, here is the list: Default <ServerName>Client Proxy <ServerName>Default Frontend <ServerName>Outbound Proxy...

Exchange 2013/2016/2019:- Increase calendar booking window from 180 to a higher value.
In Exchange, you may notice that when you try and book a meeting room, you cannot go higher than 180 days. This is by default. To change this, you can run a simple PowerShell command and increase the value, take note you cannot go higher than 1080 days. The command to...

Exchange 2016:- Event ID 2004 – MSExchange Management Application
In Exchange 2016 or even Exchange 2019, when you run cmdlets like Get-TransportServer you will receive a nice yellow warning to use the newer cmdlets. So Get-TransportServer has changed to Get-TransportService. If you head over to the event logs, the application log,...

Exchange 2016 PowerShell:- Restore Recoverable Items with a simple command.
If you have backups in Exchange, you know that you can go to the backup and recover items, either by creating a recoverable mailbox database or performing item level restore to a mailbox or PST file. In Exchange 2016, can also be Exchange 2019 or Exchange 2013, you...