PowerShell V7
Quickly clear the Windows Temp Directory with PowerShell: Take Ownership of Stubborn Files and Folders
The Temp Directory (Space eater) The never ending directory that fills up with almost everything. As IT Admins, one of the first places we look to clear up space is the directory "C:\Windows\Temp" as this folder can grow pretty large over time causing issues on a...
Upgrading PowerShell V7: Ensuring Security and Closing Previous Version Flaws
PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and automation framework that is widely used by IT professionals and system administrators. With each new release, PowerShell brings improved features, performance enhancements, and most importantly, security updates. In...
Find the open ports of a host using PowerShell
In the hacking world, we know that Tools such as NMAP gives you a breakdown of the open ports, services etc. which is great and you can also check an open port using Telnet, but if you are restricted with tools and cannot add new...
Find devices on the network using PowerShell
As an ethical Hacker, we are always looking for devices that are available on the network that we can scan. NMAP does a brilliant job by telling us which hosts are alive on the network but so do many other applications such as Angry IP Scanner, SolarWinds etc. If you...
Display the Folder Size and the files contained within it using PowerShell
Many of us are always looking at what is using space on a server because one of the monitoring solutions has such as SolarWinds, SCOM or LabTech have sent an alert that the C:\ Drive has gone below 15% or whatever threshold you have set. Many of these are enterprise...
Search for specific Security Event ID’s in PowerShell
In a previous blog post, we searched for a specific keyword in PowerShell and displayed it in PowerShell directly. In this blog post, we will be looking for a specific Event ID that is triggered when an account cannot be logged onto and sometimes you can see the...
Pull all Scheduled tasks in Windows and display them in a Grid
Many items that run in Windows have scheduled tasks that run at certain intervals. Malware and bad actors like abusing scheduled tasks because they contain elevated privileged accounts which run as SYSTEM. Have you ever wondered...
Quickly update the default startup location when opening PowerShell in Server 2022
If you work in PowerShell as much as I do and you have a dedicated folder where you run scripts, having to keep navigating to the folder can become a pain. By default, PowerShell will open up in the user that is logged in directory, below we can see that I am logged...
Validate Windows Activation Status using PowerShell and display the results in a GridView.
If you work with a large number of servers and you do not use a system to manage the activation of all machines built, manually logging in and checking the status is just time consuming. I put together a script that will go and get the status of all machines specified...
PowerShell:- Download a setup file from the internet and save it locally
In my blog post on collaborationpro.com where I showed you how to get a reverse shell on Windows Server 2022 and then demonstrated how ESET removed the file, well, because it was on Windows Server 2022 Core, there is not browser option so I had to put together a quick...