Exchange 2019 PowerShell

Exchange 2019: Change POP/IMAP Service Startup Type with PowerShell
When you configure your POP/IMAP Service on Exchange 2019, manually going to services and changing the startup from Manual to Automatic just takes time. With PowerShell, you could add this to a script so when you license your server and enable your SSL certificate,...

Exchange 2019:- How do I open the Exchange Management Shell on Windows Server 2019 Core?
Here is a quick tip on how you can open the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) on Windows Server 2019 Core. In your Elevated command prompt, type in PowerShell and Press Enter. Next, type in the following command and then press enter: Add-PSSnapin...

Exchange 2016/2019:- Check your move requests with a form that uses PowerShell
Mailbox migrations in an Organization are part of many Exchange Admins duties, this can be to a newer version of Exchange or simply migrating off a large database to smaller ones. If you are looking after a big organization and need to monitor migrations, PowerShell...

Exchange 2019:- Remove alias from Distribution Group with PowerShell
Quick tip for the day. Ever wanted to remove an alias from a Distribution Group and wondered how to do this with the Exchange Management Shell (EMS). It is pretty simple, you run the following command below: Set-distributiongroup GroupEmailAddress –EmailAddresses...

Exchange 2019:- Don’t forget the cmdlets are changing.
As you would have noticed in not only Exchange 2019 but 2016 that when you type a certain command you will receive a nice yellow warning to use the new cmdlet instead. For example, I ran the following command: Get-TransportServer And as you can see below, the warning:...

Exchange 2019:- Create a Room mailbox using the Exchange Management Shell
Quick Tip: If you want to create a room mailbox, you can do so with a simple command: New-Mailbox -Name MyRoom -DisplayName "My Room" -Room To Validate your setup, you can run the following command: Get-Mailbox myroom | fl Name,RecipientTypeDetails There you have it,...

Exchange 2019:- Change timeout value of OWA
In the world we live in today, information is vital and having your email open for everyone to view is also not such a good thing. In Exchange you have the option to set a timeout value so that if you are in-active for a certain period then the OWA page will log you...

Exchange 2019:- Reset RBAC to default
I have a strange problem in my lab where my main account is part of the org admin group however I cannot run half the commands, I thought I would reset everything with the commands below but have not seen any change. Still cannot do much. However in my Exchange 2016...

Exchange 2016:- Check last backup using PowerShell
Here is a quick tip for checking the last backup on an Exchange database using the Exchange Management Shell (EMS): Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | FT name, Last* Simple enough and there you have the information. Hope it helps.

Exchange 2016:- Remove mailbox database fails.
Ever had it where you want to remove a database and it just doesn't work? Well this happened this morning. I got a weird error saying that the database is in a backup status? Well it wasn't but here is the error: This is a lab so no backups are running, to fix the...